Carla Hickman: Charting a Path to Persistence: Strategic Interventions for Adult and Online Learners

Presenter: Carla Hickman is Managing Director with Education Advisory Board (EAB).

Day 2 Presentation
Today’s prospective students are comparing institutions based on career services and requesting outcomes data to inform their decision. Faced with a cost-prohibitive abundance of student and career success technologies, services, and staff investments to consider, leaders articulate an uncertainty about where scarce resources will yield the greatest return. This session offers practical, cost-effective approaches to increasing adult student engagement and innovative models for career service support.

In This Session, Members Will Learn…

  • What are the academic and financial needs of non-traditional students?
  • How have institutions addressed them in a low-cost and resource effective way to increase student success?
  • What polices improve access and affordability without compromising institution-wide scheduling and financial aid policies?

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